Are you looking for a way to spread cheer and kindness to others during this time? Here’s some ideas for the whole family to get involved!
Paint Kindness Rocks
This fun project will allow everyone to express their creativity and interests. Go outside and gather some rocks. They can be of all shapes and sizes. Clean and dry stones hold paint better, so wash the rocks and put them outside to dry. Get creative and use your imagination. Transform your rocks into anything – animals, food, notes of encouragement, the sky’s the limit! Be sure to seal your rocks so they will hold up in the elements. Place your rocks around for others to see, and be inspired to spread positivity and kindness to others as well!
Spreading Cheer to Nursing Home Residents
While we are all practicing social distancing, let’s spread some cheer and kindness! As you probably already know, nursing homes and hospitals are not allowing visitors to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Instead of visiting the residents of North Hill Rehab and Nursing Home this month, we would like to invite you and your family to draw pictures and write words of encouragement to the residents instead. This is also a great way of practicing handwriting and spelling.
The address for letters to be sent:
North Hill Rehab & Nursing Home
Attention: Activities
200 N Pine Hill Road
Birmingham, AL 35217
Neighborhood Encouragement
Coloring and writing notes of encouragement on driveways or sidewalks for others to see are a fun way to get creative and provide encouragement to your neighbors, postman, delivery drivers, and anyone who drives by! Don’t forget to check on neighbors to the right, left and across. We are all in this together!
Always “bee” kind!
“You are stronger than you think” -Brooklyn
Writing Kindness Cards to Medical Professionals
Please write words of encouragement and/or thanking medical professionals for their service to our community. Feel free to draw pictures or write letters. What a great way to be creative and show our gratitude to medical professionals at St. Vincent Hospital!
The address for the letters to be sent: